Spirit Bear


Spirit Bear by Robert Bateman


Spirit Bear – 10 x 25; Original Lithograph; Edition Size 290; $495.00 U.S.

“The spirit bear, with its white or creamy golden coat, is a subspecies of the black bear. According to native Tsimshian legend, the mythological raven created the spirit bear as a living reminder of the glaciers that once covered the ancient homelands. The present day land of the bear is the
picture of northwestern paradise. Towering forests of cedar, spruce and hemlock rise above deep turquoise fjords with plunging waterfalls. Serene rivers wind through flowering meadows. These waters teem with salmon in spawning season.

The spirit bear, sometimes known as the kermode bear, is found mainly in the area of Princess Royal Island on the coast of British Columbia. It is hoped that this wilderness will remain untouched by any human development. Anyone fortunate enough to visit this piece of paradise will feel the deep sense of spirituality connecting us with the roots of creation. I have been there once. And if I never return, it is good to know that it will continue in its purity and perfection.”
Robert Bateman


Robert Bateman has been called the most famous living artist. He continues to paint and tour the world to promote conservation and preservation of nature. We have represented Robert Bateman for decades and are now the sole publisher and distributor of his reproductions. We are so honored to work with him and witness his success. He has made such a massive contribution to the art world and the natural world as an artist and educator of the earth’s most important resources.

Nature as a subject is becoming more and more popular as our environment is in peril. What better subject is there than the beautiful creatures we share this world with? Robert Bateman’s appreciation and understanding of nature are apparent in his paintings. He is able to paint flora and fauna the way your eye would perceive it in real life. It is important that the animal takes full attention. The background becomes muted, and therefore it doesn’t take too much focus away from the subject. His paintings seem effortless and masterful all at once.

Bateman’s eye for composition is unparalleled. Each painting is a composed like a symphony, leading the eye to wander. From the backyards of North America to the sprawling plains of Africa. Robert Bateman captures nature the way it should be enjoyed. Above all he is a champion of wildlife. For this reason he has become a household name for art collectors.